Horny Russian Girl’s Ultimate Girlfriend Experience

(This model was 21 years old at the time of filming)
  Jul 6, 2017
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Dear Diary – I went for a last walk in town and followed a cute blonde before getting lost. I had my date with that Russian Nympho named Sunny, at night, in a fancy sushi restaurant. We ate some expensive sashimi and had a great time talking about a lot of things. She never once mentioned her Swiss boyfriend again and seemed to hint at travelling with me in the future! What a lady!!! Wonder if she could handle me slammin’ Asian pussy all over the globe on the side? Hard to say what a Horny Russian Girl would allow, right? haha. Anyways… we went up to this boyfriend’s apartment for a second round.

This time around, though, she was not that shy anymore and even started to direct the shoot and give instructions. Very funny, especially in the kitchen. Hot. We fucked again, with condom. I had hoped she would not ask for that again. Anyways, I enjoyed this a lot and made her cum, twice, before I hosed her in the mouth. Look how she drank that sperm… the horny little slut.

We talked for an hour and she expressed the desire to meet me again. I hope so, too, but this cowboy needs to hit the road! We’ll see what the future brings for me and this Horny Russian Girl! 😉

I fly to Budapest, tomorrow. Very Excited! More blondes!

In the meantime, enjoy this special episode of my fav hottest pics taken while filming this Horny Russian Girl in her boyfriend’s apartment. I still find this is funny, lol.

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.