Showgirl Sex On 4th Convention Day!

  Jan 24, 2018
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Dear Diary – The showgirls from AWE told me about a girl whom was going to work today and would definitely be interested in a fuck on one of her breaks. They kept their word and told me I needed to be free at 6pm tonight. In daytime, I walked around on the last day of the professional convention and went to a private suite of a porn company’s, where a super cute American Asian girl was working. I tried to talk with her but she was too busy and was for sure not interested in me. A true Western Banana girl. Aka: Yellow on the outside, white on the inside. Not good for a showgirl sex video shoot, at all.

I patiently waited for my AWE girl and I was deeply rewarded. This showgirl sex-rocket was hot and horny as hell and was way too happy to fuck and make a video. Everything was great and on top of that she wanted me to fuck her in the ass! I creampied her ass (and pussy) before she then ran back to work and I went to the lobby bar to have a last drink of the day.

Tomorrow is the start of the AVN show! I am so curious about this. I am prepared for the worst and the best!

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.