Asian’s First Anal w/ White Cock She JUST Met

(This model was 21 years old at the time of filming)
  Oct 18, 2018
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Dear Diary – Found a nice little corner in Old Town, named Plan B. Nice little shops in a nice location. What they were selling inside was less interesting, though. On my walk back to my hotel, there was a girl sitting alone. Very petite. I really wanted to give this Asian first anal experience. I could tell by how shy she was at first that she’s likely never fucked a white guy – let alone had her ass fucked too haha. I tried to talk with her and then suddenly another woman came to talk with me, as well. That one could speak English, thankfully. After a little chat with the two, the petite one, named Dalina, followed me home for some fun. She is just a normal girl. A 21yo, bored at home. So off to my room where we went!

I was not going to waste too much time in talking and introduction, so I started to undress myself and asked her to touch my dick. Just like that. We kissed and she licked my nipples before she gave me a wonderful blowjob that made me so horny that I did not want to wait to undress and shoot some pictures. I simply started to fuck her until I creampied her. In fact – she was so shy about her lack of boobs that she really asked to keep her dress on. Good for me. In return, I got some Asian first anal action – it was literally her first time! So fucking horny, I was.

Got hers and her friend’s number for possible future action.

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This website and its contents are for entertainment purposes only.
All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.