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Dear Diary – I walked to the bank this morning I saw a pretty Thai girl standing alone and was I hesitant to go talk to her as she looked so normal. No tattoos, innocent dress… but I still decided to have a short talk. She was really surprised that I talked with her. Her name is Beat, as student. I asked to take a picture and she said “no”. I insisted and got to take a few pics. Also… when I asked her number, she was hesitant. Tried to ask her to come make more pictures but she already had booked her ‘grab’ taxi and had clearly made up her mind not to go with me. This was, for sure, going nowhere but at least you can see here how I fail once in awhile (I would say 50% of the times but I rarely show you). Anyways, I sent her a message and she did not reply all day. I expect nothing of this. She probably blocked me already. It is sad because I really really liked this pretty Thai…