Blowjobs In Shower After Wanchai Visit

  Jun 24, 2024
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Dear Diary – I went to a disco in Wanchai called Laguna which was fully packed with horny Filipina girls at 1pm! Sorry, I couldn’t film anything there. The security was watching me and asked me not to film. I had a great time seeing a lot of these sexy Filipinas and finally decided to talk with one of them. Her name was Sheree. She came from Samar and is working for a rich Chinese couple. It was clear that she wanted a bit of naughty fun. I told her I was a photographer and she said that she liked posing. BINGO! We started fucking in the bathroom almost right away and I filmed her giving blowjobs in shower today. I am happy to add a Hong Kong catch to my diary.

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All models were 18 and over at the time of the creation of such depictions.