When you’re out with an Asian woman, put your cell phone on “silent” mode. If you’re getting text messages or phone calls that you don’t answer, she will likely assume that you are in fact dating multiple women and that they are trying to contact you. (Even if this is totally untrue, this is what she’ll think.) If possible, don’t even take your phone out of your pocket the whole time that you’re with this girl. If you’ve had any female overnight guests lately at your home (or hotel room), do a “clean sweep” to make sure they haven’t left any traces behind. Don’t forget to look for loose hairs.
When I have Asian women over to my apartment and they ask to use the bathroom, I know that they’re looking for evidence that I’ve been dating multiple women. Be sure to check your shower drain. It’s a dead giveaway when your drain has long, black hair stuck in it. These hairs get everywhere; on your sheets, your pillow, on your sink, on the floors. And other women have an amazing ability to spot them. It’s like some form of X-Ray vision!
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